Step-by-Step Guide
This guide covers running the Linked Name Authority in a development or production environment. In this guide, we try to skip over any requirements that are specific to the Dartmouth implementation of the Linked Name Authority.
Setting up development environment
1. Install Ruby, RVM, and Git
If not already installed, use these instructions to install Ruby, RVM, Rails and Git.
2. Clone Git Repository
In a directory of your choosing clone the repository:
$ git clone
3. If necessary, add .env
Initially none of the ENV variables described are necessary, if you are using the loaders, Cron, Elements, Oracle or Postgresql then the corresponding ENV variables may be necessary. To add ENV variables, create a .env
file at the root of the app directory with any environment variables necessary. More information about LNA specific environment variables can be found here.
4. Change Development Configuration
Because most development environments don’t run Postgresql databases, update the contents in config/database.yml
to reflect the following configuration for development.
adapter: sqlite3
pool: 5
timeout: 5000
database: db/development.sqlite3
Add the sqlite3 gem, by adding the following line to the application’s Gemfile
gem 'sqlite3'
Turn off ssl in config/environments/development.rb
by setting the following flag to false:
config.force_ssl = false
5. Install All Gems
Install all dependent gems, if you are using Oracle or Postgresql in your installation do not remove the required gems by using the -without
flag shown below.
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install --without oracle pg
6. Run Solr and Fedora
For the purposes of this guide, we are using fcrepo_wrapper and solr_wrapper to run Solr and Fedora.
Open a new terminal and cd into the application directory, then run the following command to run Solr:
$ solr_wrapper
Open another new terminal and cd into the application directory, then run the following command to run Fedora:
$ fcrepo_wrapper
Note Fedora 4 requires Java 8, please check your Java version if you get errors.
7. Run Migrations
$ rake db:migrate
8. Run Rails Server
In another terminal cd into the application directory and run:
$ rails server
In a web browser go to http://localhost:3000/ and the application should be running.
Note Currently, Dartmouth CAS authentication is required to see the html pages. In order to see these pages, authentication has to be removed or disabled. Instead, you can see the information stored by using the API (we’ll cover this a later).
9. Create LNA objects
Open a console to create records for the application, run rails c
Because every person must be related to an organization, create an organization:
org = Lna::Organization.create!(label: "Department of Unicorns and Fairies", begin_date:
Now, add a person:
person = Lna::Person.create!(full_name: 'Jane Doe', given_name: 'Jane', family_name: 'Doe', primary_org: org)
Now, add a membership to the person:
membership = Lna::Membership.create!(title: 'Chair of the Department', begin_date:, organization: org, person: person)
Now, add an account to the person:
account = Lna::Account.create!(title: 'Dartmouth', account_name: 'd0000a', account_service_homepage: '', account_holder: person)
Now, add a document(work) to a person’s collection:
doc = Lna::Collection::Document.create!(collection: person.collections.first, title: 'Unicorns and Magic', author_list: ['Jane Doe'])
10. Browse the API
At http://localhost:3000/persons.jsonld you should see a record for the person you created. If you append .jsonld
to the URI listed as the @id
and visit the webpage you should see the membership and the account you just created for this person. An example is shown below:
"@context": {
"foaf": "",
"skos": "",
"vcard": "",
"owltime": "",
"dc": ""
"foaf:primaryTopic": "http://localhost:3000/person/a6604df4-c8bf-4816-bd9b-537031ed5770",
"generatedAt": "2016-06-01T14:08:24Z",
"status": "success",
"@graph": [
"@id": "http://localhost:3000/person/a6604df4-c8bf-4816-bd9b-537031ed5770",
"@type": "foaf:Person",
"foaf:name": "Jane Doe",
"foaf:givenName": "Jane",
"foaf:familyName": "Doe",
"foaf:title": "",
"foaf:mbox": null,
"foaf:mbox_sha1sim": "",
"foaf:image": "",
"foaf:homepage": [
"org:reportsTo": "http://localhost:3000/organization/a25e5d25-c1fe-49aa-8df6-a2d226a7d138",
"foaf:publications": "http://localhost:3000/person/a6604df4-c8bf-4816-bd9b-537031ed5770/works",
"@reverse": {
"org:member": [
"@id": "#7673d04f-f7ec-44ce-b899-f8242fac762d"
"foaf:account": [
"@id": "#2d232f6d-2b69-46c6-a09a-e58b2ba63019"
"@id": "#7673d04f-f7ec-44ce-b899-f8242fac762d",
"@type": "org:Membership",
"org:organization": "http://localhost:3000/organization/a25e5d25-c1fe-49aa-8df6-a2d226a7d138",
"vcard:email": "",
"vcard:title": "Chair of the Department",
"vcard:street-address": "",
"vcard:post-office-box": "",
"vcard:postal-code": "",
"vcard:country-name": "",
"vcard:locality": "",
"owltime:hasBeginning": "2016-06-01T00:00:00Z",
"owltime:hasEnd": ""
"@id": "#2d232f6d-2b69-46c6-a09a-e58b2ba63019",
"@type": "foaf:OnlineAccount",
"dc:title": "Dartmouth",
"foaf:accountName": "d0000a",
"foaf:accountServiceHomepage": ""
"@id": "http://localhost:3000/organization/a25e5d25-c1fe-49aa-8df6-a2d226a7d138",
"@type": "org:Organization",
"skos:prefLabel": "Department of Unicorns and Fairies"
At http://localhost:3000/organizations.jsonld you see see a record for the organization created. An example is shown below:
"@context": {
"org": "",
"owltime": "",
"skos": "",
"vcard": ""
"@id": "http://localhost:3000/organizations/1",
"generatedAt": "2016-06-01T14:12:39Z",
"status": "success",
"@graph": [
"@id": "http://localhost:3000/organization/a25e5d25-c1fe-49aa-8df6-a2d226a7d138",
"@type": "org:Organization",
"skos:prefLabel": "Department of Unicorns and Fairies",
"org:identifier": "",
"skos:altLabel": [
"org:purpose": "",
"vcard:post-office-box": "",
"owltime:hasBeginning": "2016-06-01T00:00:00Z",
"owltime:hasEnd": "",
"org:subOrganizationOf": [
Setting up production environment
1. Install Application Requirements
After all the application requirements are met, getting the application started should be similar to starting any rails application. We use Capistrano to make deployment easier, but its definitely not a requirement.
2. Clone Git Repository
In a directory of your choosing run:
$ git clone
3. Add .env
Create a .env
at the root of the app directory with any environment variables necessary. More information about environment variables can be found here. Pay close attention to variables needed in production.
4. Install All Gems
$ gem instal bundler
$ bundle install --without oracle development test ci
5. Run Migrations
$ RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate
6. Precompile Assets
$ RAILS_ENV=production rake assets:precompile