Adding Authentication
Note This information is specific to the implementation at Dartmouth.
Instructions for adding Dartmouth web authentication using Devise and the omniauth-cas gem to a Hydra Head.
Basic Instructions
Followed the directions from the Devise wiki page on how to implement OmniAuth using Devise:
The OmniAuth log-in link was integrated by overwriting the following blacklight template app/views/_user_util_links.html.erb
Because we are only using OmniAuth and aren’t using database_authenticatable
we need to follow optional instructions to create sessions routes, add session controller and add new_session_path
method to the application controller. The sessions controller for our implementation rewrites the sign_in
method to point at the OmniAuth log-in link.
I had trouble adding SSL cert path using the ca_path parameter. To add ssl certs had to follow the instructions here:
Some Things to Note
- Our implementation is different because we give users the options to log-in but they don’t have to be redirected to another page where they need to provide more information or edit the information given.
- Our implementation also redirects users to a logout page and then the user has a link back to the application.
- If we no longer wanted to use Devise, we could use the OmniAuth gem with a CAS specification. This would require more customization of other gems, such as Blacklight.
Used this institution’s implementation of Devise with the Omniauth-ldap gem in a Hydra Head as an example:
Used this implementation of Devise only using Omniauth for authentication. Here is an example of a simple session controller: