Installation Guide

Note This guide is specific to Dartmouth’s implementation.

This page describes the installation process for the servers/applications needed by most of the rails applications we run. The following are installed on our qa server:

Apache 2.2

Note: This already came installed on our VM.

Changed chkconfig to be 345 99 01 in /etc/init.d/httpd because Apache should be the last thing to start up and the first thing to shut down.

After changing chkconfig run:

sudo chkconfig --del httpd
sudo chkconfig --add httpd

Apache Modules Added


Need to install from tarball because RPM is not up to date on the latest packages. Instructions here:


Ran yum install mod_ssl

Redis 2.8.19

Followed the Redis installations instructions here:

Because we are running a Red Hat VM, the service script needs some special comments at the beginning of the file in order to set the default run levels.

These slight variations from the quick start guide were described here:

Change chkconfig to be 345 95 05. After changing chkconfig, delete the previously set run levels and set the new levels. Run:

sudo chkconfig --del redis_6379
sudo chkconfig --add redis_6379

Warning! Unexpected results can happen if the previous run levels are not deleted first. Make sure to delete the previous run levels.

Redis is at port 6379.

Jetty 9.x.x

Followed these instructions for Jetty installation:

Not all the modules needed for Fedora are listed in the startup-unix documentation. For more information about specific modules:

Fedora requires the jsp module, so be sure to add it to the list of modules needed to the start.jar command. The start.jar command should append jsp as such:

sudo java -jar /opt/jetty/jetty-distribution-9.2.10.v20150310/start.jar --add-to-start=deploy,http,logging,jsp

The Jetty service script provides default run levels, these should probably be updated to be more accurate and set to our specific needs. Currently, they are set to 345 90 10. After run levels are updated, run this command to set the default run levels:

sudo chkconfig --del jetty
sudo chkconfig --add jetty

Jetty is at port 8080.

Fedora 4.x.x

Followed these instructions for Fedora installation:

Note that the default webapps directory changed in Jetty 9.

Adding WAR file and updating fedora.xml

The Fedora WAR file can simply be dropped in /opt/fedora. The fedora.xml file in /usr/local/dac-conf/jetty-webapps should be updated to point at the new WAR file. Then, run sudo make in that directory to move the edited xml file into /opt/web/mybase/webapps/fedora.xml

More information about using an xml file to deploy a webapp:

Example of fedora.xml file file: xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE Configure PUBLIC "-//Jetty//Configure//EN" ""> <Configure class="org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext"> <Set name="contextPath">/fedora</Set> <Set name="war">/opt/fedora/fcrepo-webapp-4.2.0.war</Set> </Configure>

Changes to /etc/defaults/jetty

  • Changed location to match the same tmpdir as Jetty 9.
  • Fedora 4.2.0 requires Java 1.8, therefore the version of java Jetty is using needs to point to Java 1.8. JAVA=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk- JAVA_OPTIONS="${JAVA_OPTIONS} -Dfcrepo.home=/mnt/fedora-data"

Fedora is a webapp deployed from within Jetty, so its also at port 8080.

Fedora path is localhost:8080/fedora/rest.

Solr 5.x.x

Installing Solr 5.x.x in production:

Run levels are set up in the Solr service script using LSB-style, currently we don’t have the modules installed to read this style, so the following lines have to be added to the beginning of the script in order to set up the right run levels and order:

# Runlevel configuration needs to be set in Red Hat's style not LSB-style.
# chkconfig: 345 95 05
# description: Controls Apache Solr as a Service

After those lines have been added run the following commands to update the run levels:

sudo chkconfig --del jetty
sudo chkconfig --add jetty

Solr is at port 8983.